Revolution Slider Error: You have some jquery.js library include that comes after the revolution files js include.
This includes make eliminates the revolution slider libraries, and make it not work.

To fix it you can:
    1. In the Slider Settings -> Troubleshooting set option: Put JS Includes To Body option to true.
    2. Find the double jquery.js include and remove it.

Current Events

Calendar view

Sorry, our calendar is in German. You can use an online dictionary or contact us if you need help. See below for an agenda view.

Agenda view

Sorry, our calendar is in German. You can use an online dictionary or contact us if you need help.


Picture Archive

Teamwork in the 21st Century

Our founding team at the regular weekly meeting. Jana Hoffmann, Daniel Triebe, Ana Paula Araujo (top left to bottom right)

25.11.2016 – EUDEC Conference in Leipzig

Opening session and Agenda Building for the Open Space conference

Thanks for the great Photo, Benni!

03.11.2016 – Submission of the school proposal and beginning of the inspection and approval process

Jana Hoffmann, Daniel Triebe und Aida Suerdieck submit the proposal for our school to the state government of Berlin.

21.05.2016 – Kick off event for the founding of the school

The three board members of Madrina Sophia e. V.: Jana Hoffmann, Nadine Mager und Aida Suerdieck (left to right)